Blacktown East Presbyterian

Our Vision
To be a community of God’s people, passionate about knowing and loving God better, caring for one another and making Jesus known.
Our Mission
To enjoy Jesus as Lord
...as individuals...
spending time daily with God, meditating on his word, talking to him in prayer
...in our homes...
making Christ the centre of our households
...in our church...
meeting weekly to reverence God with his people, enjoying home group fellowship, serving others with our God given gifts
...in the world...
sharing the gospel in word and deed with friends, our community, and the world
Some ideas for being missional people
Eat with other people
Walk, don't drive
Say hello to people you know
Pray as you walk
Hang out with work colleagues
Be a regular
Join in with what's going on
Serve your neighbours
Leave the house in the evenings
Tell work colleagues you go to church
Use local and global events to pass on the gospel
Ask people if they have any issues that you may pray for them about.
Create a street email list for safety.
Host a sports game party.
Have a coffee & dessert night